Spring Camp 2025

April 7, 2025 - April 11, 2025

Elementary Programs

Art & Play Studio

Grade K - 5

Transform spring break into an artistic adventure! Our comprehensive program offers exciting daily projects, creative exploration, and plenty of artistic skill-building. Students enjoy a perfect balance of structured learning and creative freedom, all while making new friends in our supportive environment.
Full Day: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM | $465
Half Day: 9:00 AM - 12:30 PM | $395

Art Immersion Studio

Grades 1 - 5

For young artists ready to dive deep into their creativity! This focused program allows students to immerse themselves in significant art projects, developing both technical skills and artistic vision. Perfect for children who love to concentrate on detailed, rewarding artistic endeavors.

Perfect For Young Artists Who:

Seek to deepen technical skills
Enjoy focused, detailed work
Want to build a sophisticated portfolio
Are ready to learn from advanced teaching artists
1st/2nd Grade: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM | $356
3rd-5th Grade: 1:00 PM - 4:00 PM | $375


  • Transform winter break into an artistic adventure! Our comprehensive program offers exciting daily projects, creative exploration, and plenty of artistic skill-building. Students enjoy a perfect balance of structured learning and creative freedom, all while making new friends in our supportive environment.

  • For young artists ready to dive deep into their creativity! This focused program allows students to immerse themselves in significant art projects, developing both technical skills and artistic vision. Perfect for children who love to concentrate on detailed, rewarding artistic endeavors.

Camper information

The state would like for us to collect immunization records.

Parent/Guardian Information

Emergency Contact

I / We (parent/guardian) agree to the following Conditions of Enrollment:

1 . No refund of camp fees will be given for campers departing early from a session for any reason, including health. For other refund questions see our Cancellation Policy below.

2. The Camp Director reserves the right to dismiss any camper who constitutes a hazard to the safety and/or rights of others, or demonstrates that he/she has rejected the reasonable controls and supervision of the camp staff. No refund of camper fees will be available.

3. The Camp Director reserves the right to refuse any camper for whom they feel the camp staff cannot provide adequate health care and/or supervision, out of concern for the camper’s health and safety. The Camp Director also reserves the right to refuse any camper who is unable to understand and/or follow safety procedures.

4. Conditions of custody, if applicable, will be fully communicated in writing to the camp, including a photocopy of the section of any order referring to visitation rights.

5. Failure to disclose medical problems, concerns or behavioral issues at time of registration could result in dismissal.

6. The parents/guardians are responsible for replacing property damaged by the reckless behavior of the camper.

7. Gabriel’s Art Kids is not responsible for lost and stolen property . Valuable items should not be brought to camp.

8. It is the responsibility of the parents/guardians to provide appropriate arrangements for their children to be picked up by the close of camp each day (4pm). Only those persons listed as “authorized pick up” will be granted permission to pick up your camper.

I / We (parent/guardian) specifically agree to these conditions:

1. I permit my camper to be involved in all activities at Gabriel’s Art Kids.

2. I permit the Director and/or camp staff to search my camper's bags if necessary.

3. I permit my camper to participate in camp field trips, prior notification will be given. Most field trips are walking to the
closest park.

4. I permit the use of photos and videos of my camper in promoting camp programs. If no, please be sure to mark above

5. Cell phones and any other electronic devices and toys are not allowed at camp. I agree that if my camper brings any electronics to camp it will be held on to by staff until the end of the day. I understand that Gabriel’s Art Kids Arts Camp will not be held responsible for any damage or loss of any electronics at camp.

6. My signature on this form shall give the Director authorization to arrange for any special services or other requirements necessary for my child's welfare and good health including ordering injections, anesthesia, or surgery, if I cannot be reached.

If no, please mark above.


The Registration Fee is non-refundable and non-transferable upon canceling.

Any cancellations must be made prior to the start of camp (June 26), NOT the start of the weekly sessions, for a 50% refund. Any notice after that will result in no refund. A credit may be given, if you desire a credit, send a written notice to the Director as soon as possible. It is at the Directors discretion whether a credit will be given.

A cancellation made on Monday, the first day of camp, will be considered a “no-show” and will be non-refundable.

Refunds of camp fees are not made for any campers departing early from camp for any reason, including health.

I understand this policy does not change for any reason or time frame.


Billing Information

  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
RegFox Event Registration Software